finna try

i was searching for finna try on urban dictionary and i found this, it’s so funny cause they mention Ray William Johnson, he is my new youtube god:))..he’s videos are so funny:) love each and everyone of them. It’s so cool that he appears on the dictionary:D
here is his latest video:)

you should check out his who you finna try video:)

Christmas favorite movies:)

1. Home alone , it’s a tradition for the Romanian networks to show it every time around CHristmas:)so i got to love it as a child and I still like watching it.

2.The Harry Potter movies(esspecialy part 1 and 2) all dough they are not about CHristmas i like to watch them in Christmas eve with my family. Great family movies and favorites of mine.I am planing to see them this Christmas eve 🙂

3. A Christmas CArol needs no presentation:)

4.Jack Frost

5.Star wars(ep 4,5,6) they always get them on Pro Tv and i used to watch them waiting for my dad to come from Greece in Christmas time, so they remind me of Christmas. And always loved to watch them, the geeky girl that i am:)

6.Mean GIrls, cause it’s fun:)

7.Home alone 2


9. Fantaghiro, best children movie ever:) who doesn’t like a talking rock?

10.The Neverending Story

SO this is my Christmas post, have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year:)
Thank you for viewing my blog:)

Devil May Cry

The series is based on the manga and novel volumes, and sees the return of series regulars, Trish and Lady.[6]

In the show, Dante runs his devil-hunting business, Devil May Cry, while struggling under constant financial debt. There are also two new regular characters—Dante’s agent Morrison who visits frequently, and Patty Lowell, a young orphan girl he saved in the first episode, who also visits frequently and shares a sisterly relationship with Dante.

While the show’s stories were mostly self-contained, a season-long plot was introduced in the first episode and came to the forefront in episodes 10-12.

MY cousin Bree made me aware of this anime, and i loved every episode. Dante is such a handsome badass, i like his stile and his ruthlessness.Good anime for the ones passionate by demon hunters and lots of blood, like me. The storyline is also good, made me interested. It only has 12 episodes, unfortunately, wish there were more.But for those passionate there is the Game Devil May Cry, which i want to check out as soon as i can.

Zodiacul Egiptean:)


1 aprilie – 19 aprilie
8 noiembrie – 17 noiembrie

Este compatibil cu:
Bastet (14 – 18 iulie; 23 – 27 septembrie; 3 – 17 octombrie)
Isis (11 – 31 martie; 18 -29 octombrie; 19 – 31 decembrie)

Culori norocoase: rosu (barbati) si alb (femei)


Thoth se remarca in fata tuturor celorlalti zei ai Egiptului antic prin capacitatea sa de comunicare, pe care o imparte cu toate fiintele de pe malurile Nilului. Conform lui Thoth, Marea Piramida si toate locurile sacre in Egipt au fost construite urmand geometria corpului uman. Asa cum exista spirale de lumina neagra si de lumina alba care vin din corpul uman, la fel si Marea Piramida emana astfel de spirale. Una dintre aceste spirale folosita pentru a trece dincolo sarcofagul se gaseste in Camera Regilor. La origine, Thoth a fost zeul creatiei, dar mai tarziu a devenit zeul care a civilizat oamenii, invatandu-i legile civile si religioase, scrisul, medicina, muzica si a fost ocrotitorul vrajitorilor. Si-a asumat multe roluri ca Seshat, versiunea feminina a lui Thoth, devenind o fiinta duala. Se crede ca Thoth a inventat astronomia, astrologia, ingineria, botanica, geometria, geodezia.

Preotii lui Thoth pretind ca acesta a fost Demiurgul care a creat totul din sunet. Luciditatea data de Thoth alunga indolenta, viclenia si mandria nestapanita.

Persoanele nascute sub semnul de Thoth sunt entuziaste si intreprinzatoare, dar detesta mediocritatea si meschinãria. Sunt curajosi si isi asuma riscuri, angajandu-se in actiuni care le vor permite in final sa se autodepaseasca. Este inimaginabil pentru ei sã nu se nu tinã de cuvant sau sa-i insele pe ceilalti. Isi asuma rolul de sfatuitor din umbra, neincercand sa se impuna in fata celorlalti.

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